A Peter-Hesse-Foundation team and a TV-film crew travelled to Haiti to document what was destroyed, to support our local partners, 20 Montessori teachers, who were directly affected by the earthquake and to plan the reconstruction of the 4 project preschools as well as the new beginning of the teacher training in a safer place. This trip and the resulting documentary were fully donated by the family of our board-member Dr. med. Sabine Uhlen. The 37-minute German TV-document can be viewed here: – or at: http://vimeo.com/12889725 – or (“hier: Langfassung Hauptfim” and some interviews) at: www.solidarityhaiti.de.vu
A short 9.5 minute YouTube version in English can be seen right here below: –
(English YouTube film)
These are the first drawings of our envisaged new Montessori teacher training center in Liancourt, near St. Marc, Haiti – near our two existing Liancourt project schools, to assure the most important practical training possibilities. The simple, but efficient boarding-school will need a cement surface space of about 20 x 16 meter. Toilets and washrooms will be separate from this building. Not all planned detailes are visible in these drawings. Since prices will have to be negociated with the suitable building company, based in the Dominican Republic, we do not yet know, whether we will be able to fully finannce this most important structure for the 40 student teachers and to what extend we can go ahead to materialize the next priorities: new or repaired houses for the the 4 destroyed project schools, 2 each in Port-au Prince and in Leogane. We will keep you informed.
Peter Hesse – 18. April 2010