
In 2013, the „Peter-Hesse-Stiftung“, the formal structure of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation in Germany, made a global commitment for child-centered Education for All (EfA) and consolidated its long-term existence and functioning

To durably strengthen our ties with the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), AMI’s President and the association’s Executive Director became two new members on our board.
On 8 February 2013 the German state-authorities for foundations formally approved a significant alteration of the statutes of the „Peter-Hesse-Stiftung“ making this independent German legal structure fit to continue providing a chance for future children in our global village. Originally – on 7 December 1983 – created to serve „needy people in developing countries – preferably through help for self-help“, the foundation’s formal statutes are now adjusted to secure its future existence beyond the founder’s lifetime. The extended, yet more focused new „purpose of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation is to contribute to a just and peaceful learning ONE world in diversity – with special emphasis on providing children a chance through child-centered early education to enable life-long learning“.

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