Cheers to the 32 new Montessori teachers who celebrated their graduation on July 15th, 2017 at the Peter Hesse Foundation’s Teacher Training Centre in Liancourt. The occasion was marked by speeches, poetry, dance and merriment. The teachers have completed their year-long training course and are ready to begin their careers as Montessori educators. They join an active and supportive professional network of teachers around the country and a long tradition of Montessori teachers trained in Haiti by the Foundation for over 30 years. The guest of honour at the ceremony, the former Minister of Health and former Prime Minister of Haiti, Dr. Florence Duperval Guilluame, praised the graduates for their engagement for Haiti’s children. Dr. Guillaume said it was time to break with the traditional and ineffective approach to teaching in Haiti based on rote memorisation and corporal punishment. She was encouraged that more new teachers are being trained in the child-centered Montessori method to help change Haiti’s future.