
2 months after the Hurricane in Bareau, Les Cayes

“Yesterday I went to our partner school in Bereau for a modest Christmas celebration. I was truly shocked to see the appalling conditions there. House after house without their roofs, broken trees and make-shift dwellings. What I felt saddest about were the children at our Christmas celebration. Only one boy smiled during the whole thing, but all the children lacked energy and sat quietly on their chairs during the whole thing.
When I got home in the evening, my husband asked my son who went with me to Bereau, ‘How was the trip?’ My son replied that the children were very quiet. I could not bring myself to tell him that the children were quiet because they were hungry. 
I know this is a very personal note for a web site, but I feel that I needed to share it. We can’t help everyone, but we are going to buy food staples for the children and their families in the school. Most of the crops in the area were also lost so we are going to give seeds as well.”
Carol Guy-James Barratt