
To English-speaking friends and supporters of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation – a short report from our 30-65-80-birthday invitation on 21 April – and onward.

After a short board-meeting of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation deciding on future positions on the Foundation-board, we celebrated “life as a gift – and a challenge”, with 161 guests, mostly friends and supporters of our Foundation’s work to train Montessori preschool-teachers in Haiti: 
Successful 30 years of Montessori teacher-training (which was initiated in October 1986 by Carol Guy-James Barratt from Trinidad and me). We also celebrated Isa Hesse’s 65th and my 80th birthday The guests donated € 12.175,64, which I rounded up to € 24.500,- for our EsF-AMI Montessori-project for deprived children in Haiti.

On 26 April, Carol flew back to Haiti, Isa and I travelled to Iceland to participate in the third SPIRIT OF HUMANITY Forum with almost 200 spiritually motivated participants from around the world, who are actively engaged for a better balanced fair world.

On Saturday, 29 April, I stumbled and fell with my head and body on the pavement. In the Icelandic hospital LANDSPITALI in Reykjavik, the hole in my head was cared for with nine stitches, my hips X-rayed and then my left neck of femur was operated on, fixed with two long nails, all on that same day.

On 4 May, the German Red Cross flew me back to Düsseldorf, where – after a few initial days in a hospital – I was transported home into the caring hands of Isa and physiotherapeutic home-treatments. Since that time, I am fighting the pain with heavy medication and, of course, had to cancel most planned summer-activities.

“The purpose of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation (is) to contribute to a just and peaceful learning ONE world in diversity – with emphasis on providing children a chance through child-centered early education to enable life-long learning”. 
This primary purpose is maintained in Haiti (and also in the Ivory Coast in Africa) under the leadership of Carol, the highly motivated directress or of the Peter-Hesse-Foundation in Haiti. The other – overarching – Foundation’s purpose for “a learning world” also develops well – not in Haiti but in London:

Supported by special Foundation-grants (humble “seed-money” – since 2014 from part of my life-insurance and from Foundation board-members), the special guest at our multiple April birthday-celebration, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake works on scientifically verifying his morphic-resonance hypothesis that all is interconnected with all through learning. This research is proceeding well. As soon as results are being published in a scientifically professional way, we, the Peter-Hesse-Stiftung, willl also report about the results on our homepage and on my new personal homepage

Peter Hesse – May 2017 
Blücherstr. 19, D-40477 Düsseldorf

P.S.: a 20-min Video on the birthday-celebration:

Download as pdf